October 22, 2024

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French-American Roadmap | The White House

French-American Roadmap | The White House
French-American Roadmap | The White House

Following the ceremonies of the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings, the President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron hosted the President of the United States Joseph R. Biden Jr. in Paris for a State visit, highlighting the deep historic ties and the shared values between France and the United States. Reflecting on their historical […]

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  1. Following the ceremonies of the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings, the President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron hosted the President of the United States Joseph R. Biden Jr. in Paris for a State visit, highlighting the deep historic ties and the shared values between France and the United States. Reflecting on their historical relationship and recalling the price for peace and freedom paid by past generations in both countries, the Presidents reaffirm their commitment to a Europe, whole, free, and at peace. 


  1. The Presidents reaffirm their strong condemnation of Russia’s war against Ukraine and reject Russia’s attempted annexation of sovereign Ukrainian territory, in clear violation of international law, including the United Nations Charter. Russia’s irresponsible nuclear rhetoric and disregard of arms control regimes are unacceptable. In that context, France and the United States reaffirm their continued support for Ukraine’s defense of its sovereignty and territorial integrity, including through the continued provision of political, security, humanitarian, and economic assistance to Ukraine. The United States and France confirm their support for a comprehensive, just, and durable peace, respectful of international law, and will continue working with partners and allies to coordinate assistance efforts to allow Ukraine to fully exercize its right of self-defense, as reflected in Article 51 of the UN Charter.
  2. The Presidents discussed options to do more to support Ukraine; Euro-atlantic security as a whole is at stake in this war. France and the United States co-chair the artillery coalition at the Ukraine Defense Contact Group and intend to take new steps to provide the necessary support to Ukraine in the current phase and in the longer term.  France and the United States remain determined to dispel any false notion that time is on Russia’s side; the Presidents commit to support efforts within the European Union and by the G7 to bring forward the extraordinary profits from the immobilized Russian sovereign assets for the benefit of Ukraine, consistent with international law and our respective legal systems and decision-making processes.
  3. The Presidents also expressed strong concern about transfers of weapons, especially from Iran and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and dual-use materials and components for military production from businesses in the People’s Republic of China and other countries, that Russia is using to rebuild its military and defense industrial base to pursue its war against Ukraine. The United States and France support actions to curtail access to the U.S. and French financial systems for those who engage in such transfers. France and the United States share a common commitment to support the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s work to spotlight and document abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law by Russia’s forces. 
  4. The United States and France remain committed to mitigating the tragic humanitarian and human rights consequences of the war as well as its effects on global food security, energy, nuclear safety and security, and the environment.


  1. France and the United States reaffirm their intent to defend each other and every inch of Allied territory at all times, protect their citizens, and safeguard freedom and democracy, in accordance with their commitments as NATO Allies. France and the United States are strengthening their collective defense, based on a 360-degree approach, against all threats and from all directions. The leaders reaffirmed the importance of strengthening the NATO-EU strategic partnership and promoting a stronger and more capable European defense underpinning the European pillar of transatlantic security that contributes positively to collective security. The United States supports European Allies’ and partners’ growing investments in military capabilities that enable our shared defense, in complementarity with NATO.

Moldova, Western Balkans, and South Caucasus

  1. France and the United States intend to continue to work with Moldova and other partners to strengthen Moldova’s resilience to Russia’s destabilization attempts, diversify its energy supply, and fortify its democratic institutions and human rights protections, to advance its European integration.
  2. France and the United States welcomed continued close cooperation on the integration of the Western Balkans into the European Union in order to increase prosperity and fortify democratic governance and the rule of law.  They welcome the opportunity to strengthen joint engagement in the Western Balkans, including through cooperation between the European Union (EU) and NATO, the EU-facilitated dialogue on the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, and by supporting key reforms for EU integration.  As witness of the Dayton-Paris Agreements, France and United States reaffirm their  support for the Office of the High Representative and will continue to firmly protect Bosnia and Herzegovina’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and multiethnic character.  They call on leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina to reject the path of division and secession and instead work together to make the reforms needed to join the EU.  They urge the new government in North Macedonia to stay focused on the EU path and abide by their international commitments.  
  3. The United States and France affirm their commitment to standing with the people of Georgia in their Euro-Atlantic aspirations.  The Presidents urge the Georgian Dream ruling party to respect the public’s wishes by returning to the Euro-Atlantic path.  The United States and France support the establishment of a fair and lasting peace in the South Caucasus, based on the respect of international law as well as the principles of sovereignty, inviolability of borders and territorial integrity. They support further regional integration in the South Caucasus for the benefit of all the region’s people.

Middle East

  1. In the Middle East, France and the United States are committed to pursue their joint efforts to de-escalate and avoid regional conflagration.
  2. France and the United States call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and reiterate that all hostages are to be released immediately, without preconditions. The Presidents reiterate their grave concern for the dire humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and call for the delivery of vital humanitarian aid at scale to the civilian population and unhindered and sustained humanitarian access through all routes into and inside Gaza. They also reiterate the need for Israel to do more to effectively protect Palestinian civilians and humanitarian workers. They reaffirm their commitment to a two-state solution, the only way to ensure lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
  3. They particularly underline the utmost importance of preserving the stability of Lebanon and de-escalation on the Blue Line, and will work together to reach this goal. Both countries call on all parties to exert maximum restraint and responsibility consistent with UNSCR1701. In this context, France and the United States underline the urgency to bring an end to Lebanon’s 18-month long presidential vacuum and to proceed without further delay with the election of a president, the formation of a government, and the implementation of the reforms necessary to stabilize the Lebanese economy and lay the foundations for recovery and sustainable inclusive growth.
  4. They reaffirmed their determination to increase pressure on Iran to curb its destabilizing regional activities, nuclear escalation and missile proliferation, halt its support to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, secure its full cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, and pave the way for a future negotiated solution that ensures its nuclear program is exclusively peaceful. They stand ready to adopt further sanctions and take other measures to counter Iranian destabilising activities and to prevent transfers of Iranian missiles to Russia. They also reiterate deep concern over Iran’s human rights violations and abuses, especially against women, girls, and minority groups. We call on Iran’s leadership to end all arbitrary detentions.


  1. France and the United States are committed to partnering with African countries on shared global priorities, including inclusive global economic growth, combatting the climate crisis, digital transformation, good governance and security, food security, and global health.  They welcomed the African Union as a permanent member of the G20 and will work with African countries to ensure they are fully represented in international institutions.  They support African partners and regional organizations in their efforts to bring peace, stability and good governance to the region, while investing in inclusive and sustainable development, human capital, and infrastructure as a key driver of economic growth.
  2. The United States and France are also deeply concerned by the deterioration of the governance, security, and humanitarian situation in Sudan, the Sahel, Great Lakes, and other crises. They strongly condemn ongoing human rights violations committed by multiple parties including Russian proxies as well as national armed forces,  the shrinking of democratic space and rise in disinformation. France and the United States call on all belligerents in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to immediately cease hostilities, for Rwanda to withdraw and stop supporting M23, for DRC to stop any collaboration with FDLR and other armed groups, and for all actors to respect international humanitarian law. The Presidents continue to be supportive of regional diplomatic efforts and commend in particular the mediation led by the President of Angola, and call on all parties to de-escalate, protect civilian populations, and participate constructively in dialogue to create conditions for a negotiated solution leading to a lasting peace.  The Presidents commit to consulting on their respective approaches in Western Africa, including in the Sahel. The United States and France are committed to advancing mediation efforts to find a political solution to the Sudan crisis as well as to support increased, sustained and vital humanitarian assistance to the Sudanese population.


  1. The United States and France are strengthening their cooperation in the Indo-Pacific to advance prosperity, security, and universal values based on a rules-based international order, transparent governance, fair economic practices, and respect for international law, including freedom of navigation. In line with their shared commitment to the security and stability of the region and building on their comparative advantages, the United States and France also aim to expand concrete cooperation in areas such as maritime security, humanitarian assistance and disaster response, climate, biodiversity, and sustainable ocean management. The Presidents recall and fully support G7 statements on PRC and will closely coordinate on the different challenges related to PRC’s measures and policies.
  2. Regarding the DPRK, they continue to strongly condemn the DPRK’s provision of ballistic missiles and munitions to Russia for use in Ukraine and, they will coordinate their efforts in the UNSC on all DPRK related issues.  They reaffirmed their support for the people of Myanmar in their quest for peace, freedom, and democracy. The United States and France are deepening their regional diplomatic, development, and economic engagement, including with regional institutions like ASEAN, the Pacific Islands Forum, and the Indian Ocean Rim Association, to support prosperity and security and the transition to sustainable renewable energy in Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, South Asia, and across the Indo-Pacific region. 

Western Hemisphere

  1. The United States and France are supporting the swift deployment of the United Nations Security Council authorized Multinational Security Support mission to Haiti and thank Kenya for leading this critical mission. The Presidents stand with other international partners in their readiness to support the electoral process in Haiti.  France and the United States support the Venezuelan people’s desire for competitive presidential elections July 28 to peacefully restore their democracy. They urge President Maduro to respect the commitments made in Barbados in October 2023 and to reconsider his decision to revoke the EU’s invitation to participate as an election observation mission and to allow unimpeded access to election observation missions from the EU, United Nations, and Carter Center. They also call on President Maduro to continue to allow unified opposition candidate Edmundo González to run, to end repression of the political opposition, and to release political prisoners immediately. 

Transnational Issues

Security Council reform

  1. France and the United States are committed to enlarging the Security Council to ensure a greater presence of underrepresented regions, including African States. France and the United States are convinced that expansion of the Security Council in both permanent and non-permanent categories is possible.

Fight against foreign interference and manipulation of information

  1. Both countries are committed to promoting the right to freedom of opinion and expression, both offline and online, including the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, with information integrity in a manner consistent with democratic values human rights. Together, France and the United State co-chair the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) Information Integrity Hub to promote cooperation and knowledge sharing on practical approaches to advance information integrity. Both countries welcome the publication by the OECD of the report “Facts not fakes” in March 2024 and its contribution to the benchmark of public policies related to information integrity and improving the transparency and responsibility of very large online platforms. Both leaders commit to intensify global exchanges, including through the Partnership for Information and Democracy, strengthen capacity building, and sharing of information regarding disinformation, particularly during crises. Both countries support the International Fund. They also commit to a fruitful cooperation at the United Nations and via the Partnership for Public Interest Media, as an effective new tool to promote quality, trustworthy and reliable information throughout the world.
  2. The United States and France intend to collaborate on building partner countries’ resilience to foreign information manipulation on key dimensions: National Strategies and Policies; Governance Structures and Institutions; Human and Technical Capacity; Civil Society, Independent Media, and Academia; and Multilateral Engagement. Together, France and the United States intend to work on operationalizing relevant actionsthrough new and existing multilateral mechanisms, such as the G7 Rapid Response Mechanism, and in coordination with other likeminded partners and multilateral organizations.
  3. The United States and France condemn the scourge of transnational repression (TNR). The United States welcomed France’s participation in the U.S.-chaired G7 Rapid Response Mechanism Working Group on TNR, launched in Juuly 2023, and the countries will continue to deepen cooperation to prevent and combat TNR moving forward, including in the fight against TNR in digital spaces.

Digital Governance and Emerging Technologies

  1. France and the United States are committed to promoting an open, interoperable, reliable and secure Internet. This includes a secure, stable, accessible and peaceful cyberspace and multi-stakeholder Internet governance.The reshaping of the international digital agenda should lead to close bilateral and multilateral collaboration, particularly at the UN, with the ongoing negotiation of the Global Digital Compact to be adopted during the Summit for the Future.
  2. France, alongside the EU, and the United States have pursued domestic governance and regulatory frameworks on artificial intelligence (AI). They stress the importance of international discussions on AI governance and their interoperability, given the global economic potential and social impacts of this technological revolution. In doing so, France and the United States recognize the importance of promoting safe, secure, and trustworthy AI in line with a risk-based, human-centric and innovation-friendly approach. In particular, they reiterate their commitment to work together in the G7 to advance the International Code of Conduct for Organizations Developing Advanced AI Systems. This will include a reporting framework to foster accountability in the development of advanced AI systems and to understand the extent to which the Code of Conduct is encouraging improved security and risk management practices.
  3. They commend cooperation via the Global Partnership on AI with 29 members from all geographies. They support the ambition to strengthen the mandate of the Partnership, meant to become an inclusive forum to both engage in joint research projects of public interest and support meaningful discussions among partners on standards and interoperability of their respective AI regulations. In particular, they underline the need for close cooperation on AI technical standards to ensure the safe and trustworthy development of AI systems. The United States intends to participate in the AI Action Summit in France in 2025, and contribute to its preparation as part of the steering committee, with a view to promoting safe, secure and trustworthy AI at the service of the general interest and economic and social prosperity for all regions of the world. France and the United States encourage the participation of civil society, academia, technical community and businesses in multi-stakeholder initiatives promoting a safe and accountable online space, notably within the Christchurch Call to Action to eliminate terrorist and violent extremist content online, the Children Online Protection Lab, the Paris Call for trust and security in cyberspace, and the Global Partnership for Action on Gender-Based Online Harassment and Abuse to which France is also contributing with the creation of the Laboratory for women’s rights online focusing on online and technology-facilitated gender-based violence.
  4. As France and the United States continue to enhance their cooperation regarding the promotion of critical and emerging technologies, they continue to acknowledge that certain of these technologies have implications for global peace and security.  To this end, France and the United States have a shared objective of ensuring our technology ecosystems cannot be exploited to undermine international peace and security.  France and the United States continue to ensure that our tools, including related to trade, investment, and exports, are fit for purpose to address such security implications while avoiding undue restrictions on international trade and investment.
  5. France and the United States recognize the importance of promoting transatlantic academic research collaboration in critical and emerging technologies, to include, quantum, AI, and biotechnology. France and the United States believe that working with likeminded countries on emerging technologies reinforces a global vision for how these technologies can be used for good.


  1. The two Presidents pledge to continue coordinating efforts to tackle the proliferation and MISUSE of commercial cyber intrusion capabilities, including commercial spyware, to strengthen cyber-capacity buildings efforts, and increase their cooperation against malicious cyber activities, including state-sponsored ones. They also reaffirmed support for the Joint Statement on Efforts to Counter the Proliferation and Misuse of Commercial Spyware and the Pall Mall Process. The two Presidents underscore the importance of the International Counter Ransomware Initiative, and welcome the growing participation of members, demonstrating ongoing cooperative efforts to neutralize ransomware on a global scale.

Pacific Undersea Cables

  1. The United States and France underline the strategic location of French overseas territories, for the undersea cables network, its development as a digital hub in the south Pacific, and will continue to collaborate with the private sector, including French companies, and like-minded partners to build trusted and more resilient networks to expand digital connectivity and economic development in the Pacific region and beyond.

Climate, Plastic pollution, Biodiversity and Ocean Protection

  1. France and the United States call for scaled up efforts to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, in a deep, timely, and sustained manner, during this critical decade to keep our goal of limiting the temperature increase to 1.5C alive. Together, they are committed to submitting new and ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions with absolute reduction targets, covering all sectors and categories of the economy and all greenhouse gases, including methane by February 2025, as well as revising their long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies towards just transitions to net zero emissions, as required by the Paris Agreement and the outcome of the first Global Stocktake (GST). France and the United States reiterate the need to reach a 75% reduction in global methane emissions from fossil fuels, including by reducing methane emissions intensity of oil and gas operations by 2030, leveraging instruments like the International Methane Emissions Observatory, the Global Methane Pledge and national instruments. They committed to continue robust bilateral coordination on climate negotiations through regular meetings.
  2. Recognizing the key role of nuclear energy as a clean/zero-emissions energy source in achieving global net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, both France and the United States reiterate their endorsement of the declaration to triple nuclear energy capacity globally by 2050, which they launched along with more than 20 other countries from four continents at COP28, and welcome additional endorsers in advance of COP29. 
  3. They express their intention to achieve meaningful results at COP29 and COP30, including on climate finance and the implementation of the GST’s “1.5-degree roadmap,” as well as building upon the COP28 pledges to triple renewable energy capacity globally and double the global average annual rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030, through companion efforts such as increasing total energy storage and grids expansion, turning this added renewable capacity into baseload power.
  4. France and the United States emphasize the urgency to effectively, concretely, and rapidly implement the CMA.5 GST decision, including on the transition away from fossil fuels in energy systems in a just, orderly, and equitable manner, accelerating action in this critical decade, so as to achieve net zero by 2050. They recalled the commitment of the G7 to phase out existing unabated coal power generation in our energy systems during the first half of 2030s and make intensive efforts to reduce demand for and use of fossil fuels. 
  5. France and the United States welcome  the OECD confirmation that developed countries fully met their goal of jointly mobilizing 100 billion USD per year for climate action in developing countries for the first time in 2022, and expressed the need for an ambitious new collective quantified goal, set from a floor of USD 100 billion per year, which contributes to keep 1.5°C within reach, and build a net-zero GHG emissions and climate resilient future. 
  6. They will continue to support developing and emerging economies through such measures as implementation of partnerships like the Just Energy Transition Partnerships and climate finance, particularly increased use of blended finance and mobilizing private finance. This will include a joint initiative to encourage multilateral development banks to explore their potential role in nuclear energy financing and technical assistance, according to each bank’s capacity and comparative advantages. They will continue their efforts to make finance flows consistent with with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions gas and climate-resilient development. Following the launch by France of the Coal Transition Accelerator at COP28, both presidents support the ongoing work of the OECD to recommend financial institution policies, informed by risk analysis, for phasing out private sector investment in new coal capacities and accelerating the transition towards renewable energies of existing capacities.
  7. The Presidents are committed to taking ambitious actions throughout the full life cycle of plastics to end plastic pollution and call upon the global community to do the same, with the aspiration to reduce the global production and consumption of primary plastic polymers. They urge the global community to finalize, by the end of 2024, an ambitious and effective international legally-binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, based on a comprehensive approach that addresses the full lifecycle of plastics.
  8. France and the United States emphasized the need to take urgent action to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030 and conserve, protect and restore critical ecosystems, including forests and other wooded land, wetlands such as peatlands and mangroves and ocean, that are the main natural carbon sinks and biodiversity reservoirs.   In particular, they committed to work together towards the conservation of 30 percent of terrestrial and marine areas by 2030, both at bilateral and multilateral levels, in line with the Global Biodiversity Framework adopted by Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity at the Fifteenth Conference of Parties  and to the achievement of its goals and targets.
  9. France and the United States call on the world to reach the highest level of ambition regarding the protection of the ocean at the next Our Ocean Conference in April 2025 and the UN Ocean Conference in Nice in June 2025. In order to cope with the absolute urgency facing the ocean, the Our Ocean Conference and the UNOC are critical opportunities to mobilize ambitious action and concrete commitments for the ocean.
  10. France and the United States support entry into force of the Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas beyond National Jurisdiction before the next UN Ocean Conference in Nice, June 2025.
  11. France and the United States remain actively engaged in ensuring effective protection of the marine environment from harmful effects which may arise from deep seabed mineral exploitation and reaffirm their commitment to taking a precautionary approach to potential mining of marine minerals. 
  12. The Presidents commend both countries’ efforts to promote a healthy, sustainable, and resilient Atlantic Ocean, including the United States’ leadership on the Partnership for Atlantic Cooperation, and France’s leadership on the 2025 UN Ocean Conference. France and the United States affirm they will address water security challenges as part of combating climate change. They will cooperate on this issue, including at the next One Water Summit organized by France and Kazakhstan. 
  13. France and the United States reaffirm their engagement to work towards the decarbonisation and climate resilience of buildings as part of the follow up to the implementation of the Chaillot declaration and the developpement of the buildings breakthrough priority actions. 
  14. France and the Unites States also reaffirm their support to the implementation of the India – Middle East – Europe Corridor (IMEC), which will significantly contribute to fostering sustainable growth trajectories and access to clean energy across these regions.

Global Development, Health, Food Security and International Financial Architecture

  1. France and the United States reaffirmed their commitment to evolve the international financial architecture to make it fit for the challenges of today’s world.
  2. The United States and France commit to support discussions within the G20 as well as through the governance bodies of the international financial institutions to increase public and private resources to accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals, reduce emissions with a view to keeping 1.5C within reach, build climate resilience, and address other global challenges, including fragility and pandemics. This includes their commitment to build better, bigger, more effective multilateral development banks (MDB) and their efforts to boost MDB financial capacity. It includes supporting efforts to build complementarity and coherence in the climate finance architecture, as well as facilitating private investment through changes to incentives frameworks, more efficient and agile processes, a complete review of regulatory barriers, and the improvement of blended finance and guarantee instruments, including World Bank Group’s Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency. It also includes improving debt sustainability assessments to account for climate vulnerabilities and for scaled investment needs required by the ecological transition. They support the intention of all financial institutions to work as a system within the Finance in Common coalition. They support the ambition of the Paris Pact for People and Planet (4P) and its efforts to foster collaboration between key global stakeholders determined to work together to deliver additional financing for development, climate and nature. They note the need to support high-ambition developing countries that are facing financing challenges amid mounting debt burdens. In this regard, France welcomes the Nairobi-Washington Vision, which is a call to the international community to bring together its tools to support these countries, and looks forward to working on its implementation with the US, Kenya, and all the other stakeholders.
  3. France and the United States commit to continue leading a succesful and impactful replenishment of the resources of major multilateral instruments to fight against poverty and inequality, including the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the International Development Association, as well as of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, before the end of this year.

International Taxation

  1. France and the United States reaffirmed their agenda for the Multilateral Convention to Implement Amount A of Pillar One, including discussing a partial reallocation of taxing rights on the profits of the largest and most profitable multinational enterprises as well as more tax certainty and simpler rules with a view to open the Multilateral Convention for signature by the end of June 2024. France and the United States also welcome the initiative taken by the G20 Brazilian presidency to prioritize discussions of international cooperation on taxation, and intend to work to increase efforts aimed at progressive and fair taxation of individuals.

Bilateral Cooperation

Defense and Security

  1. The Presidents praise the density and breadth of the U.S.-France defense relationship, both at the political and operational levels. Building on the joint Statement of Intent signed by the U.S. Secretary of Defense and the French Minister for the Armed Forces on November 30, 2022, this cooperation has deepened and extended in critical domains such as space, cyberspace, intelligence and informational warfare.The Presidents look forward to continuing dialogue on preserving and enhancing interoperability between U.S. and French forces and intend to advance this dynamic even further.
  2. They commend progress made by the U.S.-France Defense Trade Strategic Dialogue on the efficiency of their respective defense export authorization process and bilateral engagement on market access issues, and intend to sustain this momentum. This dialogue has allowed each partner to acknowledge the high standards of their respective export control regimes and discuss issues that affect our respective defense industrial bases.
  3. As adversaries intensify hybrid, cyber, and other forms of threats against our nations, France and the United States are committed to working together to counter these actions.

Bilateral Partnership on Clean Energy 

  1. As part of the third High-Level Meeting of the U.S.-France Bilateral Clean Energy Partnership, that recently convened in France, the two countries reaffirmed a common resolve to work towards achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement, including by leveraging cutting-edge research and science to accelerate the development and responsible deployment of clean energy technologies, breakthrough innovations, and policies that revitalize the energy sector and pioneer clean industries. Recognizing opportunities to further our bilateral energy cooperation, they identified areas of engagement including geological hydrogen, industrial decarbonization, and electricity grids and flexibility, as well as continued bilateral discussion on nuclear energy, critical minerals and critical raw materials, inclusive of accelerating implementation of the Minerals Security Partnership and the IEA Voluntary Critical Minerals Security Program.

Civil Nuclear Energy

  1. The Presidents welcome the establishment of the Nuclear Energy Small Group under the umbrella of the Bilateral partnership. They intend to ensure reciprocal and mutually beneficial cooperation on the research and development of advanced nuclear technologies, including next generation reactors, small modular reactors, nuclear fuels technology, and sustainable solutions for back end fuel management. The United States and France will also promote the responsible deployment of nuclear reactors to meet decarbonization goals consistent with the highest standards of nuclear safety, security, and nonproliferation.
  2. Recognizing the importance of diversifying civilian nuclear fuel supply chains and developing nuclear fuel services free from Russian influence, the United States and France praise the progress made by the “Sapporo 5,” including  Canada, Japan, and the United Kingdom to exceed their COP28 goal to mobilize $4.2 billion in government-led investments to set a secure, reliable global nuclear energy fuel supply chain. France and the United States pledge to work together to mobilize further investment into the expansion of safe, secure, and reliable nuclear supply chains and sufficient to support the growth of carbon-free nuclear power consistent with a 1.5 degree limit on global warming by 2050. France and the United States are in full alignment to reduce dependencies on and cooperation with Russian civil nuclear industry.

Space Cooperation

  1. The United States and France have established a Comprehensive Dialogue on Space to advance bilateral space cooperation across the civil, commercial, multilateral and national security dimensions of space. On civil space, the United States and France are committed to advancing cooperation on human spaceflight in Low Earth Orbit on the International Space Station, in deep space on and around the Moon within the Artemis program, and beyond. On top of the cooperation through the European Space Agency, mostly on the Lunar Gateway, the United States and France seek to develop bilateral lunar exploration cooperation. The United States and France cooperate on the Space for Climate Observatory (SCO) initiative to leverage space data to model and track climate change and develop operational tools to adapt to its impacts. In the frame of the SCO, the United States and France commit to develop a common Coastal Zone Digital Twin to monitor climate change and flood mapping. The U.S. and French oceanographers and hydrologists and international partners have also joined forces to develop and operate the Surface Water Ocean Topography mission, which is making the first global survey of Earth’s surface water, observe the fine details of the ocean’s surface topography, and measure how water bodies change over time. In addition, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the French Space Agency are committed to pursuing cooperation on the Atmosphere Observing System, along with other international partners, which will deliver key data for improved forecasts of weather, air quality, and climate.


  2. The U.S. Department of Transportation and French ministry in charge of transportation intend to reinforce their cooperation in the railway sector, sharing knowledge and best practices and encourage Amtrak and French companies such as SNCF and Alstom to exchange experience on rail projects and technologies. They encourage in particular these exchanges to faciliate completion of the on-going certification of Alstom’s new Avelia Liberty high-speed train set for use by Amtrak’s Acela service on the Northeast Corridor.

Scientific Cooperation

  1. France and the United States are committed to developing their top-level and mutually beneficial scientific relationship. The French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the U.S. Department of State will organize the 2025 Joint Committee for Science and Technology in order to intensify the bilateral cooperation on topics of common interest such as French-American round tables between scientists, will be organized to prepare this joint committee and identify cooperation priorities.

Food Security Cooperation

  1. France and the United States are committed to working together to improve global food and nutrition security, including through mutual support the 2025 Nutrition for Growth Summit, furthering food security in key partner countries and as a part of the U.S. Feed the Future Flagship efforts, France and the United States commit to the World Bank’s Global Agriculture and Food Security Program, the International Fund for International Development (IFAD), the global partnership for agricultural research CGIAR and the Great Green Wall Accelerator. With France hosting the 2025 Nutrition for Growth Summit and the United States hosting the subsequent summit in 2026, the Presidents intend to work together to coordinate efforts to strengthen global food security and nutrition for the most vulnerable people around the world, including through the school meals coalition of more than 100 countries, which France and the United States are sponsoring as part of the leading task force.
  2. France and the United States will continue to promote the integration and effective implementation of the One Health approach to prevent the emergence, re-emergence and spread of zoonotic diseases and to tackle antimicrobial resistance. France and the United States intend to work closely together to achieve their agricultural trade goals.

Global Health Collaboration

  1. The United States and France continue to discuss ways to advance shared global health priorities, in particular in multilateral venues and with a focus on common regional priorities such as Africa. France and the United States are committed to supporting the new World Health Organization Academy in Lyon, which will greatly improve global training access for multisectoral health professionals. The United States and France are committed to strengthening the global health architecture and to increasing global efforts for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, such as through the African Vaccine Manufacturing Accelerator as well as efforts to expand equitable access to immunization through our continued support for Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, as it prepares to launch its next replenishment this month. As members of the Alliance for Transformative Action on Climate and Health, France and the United States have reiterated their desire to work together towards strengthening the resilience of health systems to climate change and mitigating the environmental footprint of health systems. France and the United States will continue to promote the integration and effective implementation of the One Health approach to prevent the emergence, re-emergence and spread of zoonotic diseases and to tackle antimicrobial resistance.
  2. The United States and France support efforts to transform the financing architecture associated with pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. This includes helping to mobilize $2 billion in new financing and equal in catalytic financing for the Pandemic Fund at the pledging event in October 2024 and delivering on the MCM Surge Financing Initiative that relevant G7 DFIs are developing. France and the United States are also working together to fulfill the G7 commitment to assist at least 100 low- and middle-income countries in implementing the core capacities required in the International Health Regulations. In March 2024, France joined the United States in the Foreign Ministers Channel for Global Health Security launch event, which gathers Ministries of Foreign Affairs to bring diplomatic attention and action on critical global health security issues. As expressed in the recent G7 Foreign Ministers’ Statement, they will also work together to raise the bar globally on biosafety and biosecurity. 

Cultural Cooperation

  1. France and the United States, recognizing their deep-rooted historical connections and shared democratic values, are eager to expand their cultural cooperation in the lead-up to the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence of the United States in 2026. This historic milestone will offer a unique opportunity to reaffirm the longstanding democratic and people-to-people ties that have united France and the United States, through joint celebrations and cultural exchanges.
  2. France and the United States are committed to ensure the success of the UNESCO World Heritage nomination made by France for the historic D-Day landing sites at Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword beaches. By securing this recognition, France and the United States aim to preserve these sacred grounds for future generations, honoring the bravery and sacrifice of those who fought for freedom. This effort symbolizes both countries’ enduring commitment to peace, remembrance, and international cooperation.

Gender Equality and the Fight against Discrimination

  1. Advancing gender equity and equality and promoting the rights and opportunities of women and girls are priorities for France and the United States. The Presidents are committed to defending sexual and reproductive health and rights, strengthening women’s economic empowerment, investing in childcare, addressing gender-based violence, working with and uplifting women’s civil society organizations, and promoting women’s representation, leadership, and political participation. Both countries commit to support women’s economic empowerment by partnering together to close the gender digital divide including through the women in digital economy initiative and to support the investment in care, including through efforts such as the World Bank’s Invest in Childcare Initiative. France and the United States welcome the OECD’s Contribution to Promoting Gender Equality and the organization’s commitment to providing data informed policy recommendations to close critical gender gaps, especially in green, energy, and digital transitions. France and the United States promote the DAC Recommendation on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of All Women and Girls in Development Co-operation and Humanitarian Assistance and reaffirm their commitment to prevent and combat sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment. As members of the Global Partnership for Action on Gender-Based Online Harassment and Abuse, France and the United States are committed to addressing all forms of technology-facilitated gender-based violence, and countering gendered disinformation and its growing threat to women leaders and democracies globally. France is also contributing with the creation of the Laboratory for women’s rights online focusing on online and technology-facilitated gender-based violence. France and the United States share an affirmative vision of technology to help bridge the gender digital divide and empower women and girls in the online space. Both countries intend to work together on AI and gender issues, specifically in the view of the AI Summit hosted in Paris in 2025.

    France and the United States affirm their support for sexual and reproductive health and rights.  Women should be able to access reproductive health care, including contraception and safe abortion. Both countries defend sexual and reproductive health and rights in multilateral and bilateral relations, advocate for ambitious language in international negotiating bodies, and engage in existing coalitions, such as Generation Equality Forum coalition of action on bodily autonomy and sexual and reproductive health and rights. Both countries also provide bilateral and multilateral assistance for partner countries, international organizations, and local civil society actors, in order to support access to family planning and other critical, high quality sexual and reproductive health services.

  2. France and the United States call the international community to strengthen the efforts to promote and defend women’s rights, including through bolstering UN Women and other relevant international entities. 

Countering Antisemitism

  1. France and the United States are committed to fight against all discrimination and to fight against all forms of hatred. In the context of surging antisemitism around the world, the two governments pledge to form an annual dialogue on combating antisemitism, and to further reinforce their role in broader coalitions to fight against all forms of discrimination and to fight antisemitism, to include coordination on strategies to mitigate online antisemitism and to promote education and a better understanding between all the various components of our societies. France and the United States continue to work together on preserving history and remembrance of the Holocaust, including accurate education and commemoration and restitution or compensation for art confiscated by the Nazis and their collaborators.


  1. France and the United States, as host countries of the next Summer Olympic and Paralympics Games in 2024 and 2028, respectively, are committed to promoting cooperation between the institutions and groups involved in the organization of the Olympic and Paralympics Games, with the aim of making these events more sustainable, responsible, and inclusive. They will partner at the Paris and Los Angeles Games to demonstrate that these major universal sports events are a unique opportunity to pursue shared Sustainable Development Goals, and to promote efforts and investments in the health and education of future generations. They both recall the resolution adopted by the General Assembly on the Olympic Truce.


Official news published at https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/06/08/french-american-roadmap/

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