July 26, 2024

News World 24

worldwide online news

Day: April 3, 2024

December 2023 Visitor Logs Records Posted
1 min read
December 2023 Visitor Logs Records Posted

Today the White House released visitor log records generated in December 2023. This set includes 122,138 records, bringing the total number of records posted to 1,207,458. These records were posted pursuant to the White House’s policy to voluntarily disclose visitor log records. This release is consistent with the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to becoming the first […]

The post December 2023 Visitor Logs Records Posted first appeared on Social Gov.

3 min read
December 2023 Visitor Logs Records Posted

This week, on the heels of the United States’ participation in the third Summit for Democracy, the Biden-Harris Administration hosted a roundtable conversation focused on countering a threat to our democracy here at home: the rise of hate-fueled violence. When Americans cannot freely participate in the basic activities of life—like going to school, shopping at […]

The post Readout of White House Roundtable Discussion on Countering Hate-fueled Violence first appeared on Social Gov.