July 26, 2024

News World 24

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First public deliverable for Machine Learning Application Approval (MLEAP) research project

First public deliverable for Machine Learning Application Approval (MLEAP)  research project
First public deliverable for Machine Learning Application Approval (MLEAP)  research project

Research Project Machine Learning Application Approval MLEAP Artificial Intelligence Roadmap A human-centric approach to AI in aviation Official news published at https://www.easa.europa.eu/en/newsroom-and-events/news/first-public-deliverable-machine-learning-application-approval-mleap

The post First public deliverable for Machine Learning Application Approval (MLEAP) research project first appeared on Reliable News.

Official news published at https://www.easa.europa.eu/en/newsroom-and-events/news/first-public-deliverable-machine-learning-application-approval-mleap

The post First public deliverable for Machine Learning Application Approval (MLEAP) research project first appeared on Reliable News.